Call of duty realism mod

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But it is my hope that COD players across the world realize RO for what it is. Now granted, 90% of B1 does not even know ROOST is coming out, and I'm not going to say much until i test it out. The ONLY reason i own COD2 today is because CODUO has ran its course and COD2 is a flop, and we had a vote within the community as to where to go and wound up at COD2. If it sounds like im bitter, it is because i do not like being led around like cattle, and forced to settle for a subpar situation. I cannot help but hope that this puts a dagger in IW's heart and they lose sales because of selling out to become a flagship console title and leaving the bread and butter that got them there behind. I am not saying we are going to switch right away but, If RO turns out to be what i think it is, we will be dropping both our CODUO and COD2 servers, keeping only our BF2 server, and firing up an RO server. The majority of us are completely disappointed in the lack of appreciation IW has shown to it's PC customer base with the pathetic sequel to the 'game of the year'. We are a community with about 600 listed members, and about 120 active members.